Superstar Stats
Raquel Rodriguez
Rio Grande Valley, Texas
Signature Move
Tejana Bomb
Career Highlights
WWE Women's Tag Team Champion; NXT Women's Champion; NXT Women's Tag Team Champion; 2021 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Winner
Raquel Rodriguez : Bio

Raquel Rodriguez has the size and strength to push any Superstar past her breaking point.
Standing 6-feet tall with back muscles so wide you could screen a movie on them, the towering Texan does what she wants, when she wants, and there’s little anyone can do to stop her. As the daughter of longtime wrestler Ricky “Desperado” Gonzalez, Rodriguez was all but certain to be a future Superstar. That moment finally arrived in 2017, when she appeared on the WWE Universe’s radar for the first time as a competitor in the inaugural Mae Young Classic Tournament.
That Rodriguez — a demure youngster, still a newcomer to the WWE Performance Center — bears little resemblance to the confident powerhouse the WWE Universe knows her as today. And on the April 8, 2022 edition of Friday Night SmackDown, the powerful Rodriguez emerged on the blue brand for the first time. With Rodriguez always eager to impose her will, expect a mess of competition to be left in this fast-rising Superstar’s rearview.