The Undertaker vs. Kamala: Survivor Series 1992 - Casket MatchThe Undertaker preys on the fears of Ugandan giant Kamala, hitting him with Paul Bearer's urn in the first-ever Casket Match at Survivor Series 1992 on November 25, 1992.02/06/2012 - 16:17
FULL HOME VIDEO: Smack ‘Em Whack ‘Em – Undertaker vs. Razor Ramon, Hart vs. Michaels & more!Relive classic WWE Home Video action with Smack ‘Em Whack ‘Em, featuring The Undertaker battling Razor Ramon! Plus, Bret “Hit Man” Hart faces Shawn Michaels in a Ladder Match, and action featuring Earthquake, Crush and much more!02/05/2025 - 18:21
Sights and sounds of AWA WrestleRock 1986: From the WWE VaultFrom behind-the-scenes footage to on-site fan interviews that will make you feel like you were there, experience the sights and sounds of AWA WrestleRock, held April 20, 1986, at the Metrodome in Minneapolis.12/06/2024 - 10:07
EVERY Dungeon of Doom vignette: From the WWE VaultTHERE’S NO HULKAMANIACS HERE! Follow “Taskmaster” Kevin Sullivan into The Dungeon of Doom as he and The Master gather a collection of monsters for the sole purpose of ending Hulk Hogan’s reign atop WCW.10/25/2024 - 15:04
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Sgt. Slaughter clashes with Kamala in an Ugandan Death Match in rare Hidden GemSgt. Slaughter battles Kamala in an Ugandan Death Match in Pro Wrestling USA action from 1985: Courtesy of WWE Network.07/25/2019 - 12:01
Skandor Akbar introduces Kamala to WCCW: World Class Championship Wrestling, Feb. 22, 1983Devastation Inc. shows the grapplers of World Class what to expect from its newest member, the giant Kamala.06/30/2014 - 12:17
Kamala, Shark, Zodiac and Meng in The Dungeon of Doom: WCW Saturday Night, Sept. 9, 1995The entire Dungeon of Doom deliver a chilling message to Hulk Hogan.10/28/2013 - 15:04
Check out Diesel's debut in WWE: WWE App Exclusive, June 7, 2013To get a first look at more exclusives like this, check out the official WWE App!06/07/2013 - 15:26
Harvey Wippleman controls Kamala: Superstars, July 11, 1992Harvey Wippleman controls Kamala while The Ugandan Giant strikes fear into Mean Gene Okerlund.03/18/2013 - 17:32
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Kamala - AWA America's Championship Match: April 20, 1986Sgt. Slaughter defends his America's Championship against the mighty Kamala.04/27/2012 - 16:03
Jerry Blackwell vs. Kamala - Bodyslam Challenge: Spetember 28, 1985It's a test of strength when AWA's top big men try to bodyslam each other with $10,000 on the line.04/27/2012 - 15:45
Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Sting & Lex Luger vs. The Dungeon of Doom - War Games: Fall Brawl 1995Hulk Hogan leads a team of WCW mega stars against the evil Dungeon of Doom.05/01/2012 - 21:37
Kamala vs. Yokozuna: Raw, May 17, 1993Two behemoths face off when Ugandan monster Kamala takes on Japanese heavyweight Yokozuna on Raw on May 17, 1993.02/07/2012 - 11:31
Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Kamala: Saturday Night's Main Event, May 2, 1987Jake "The Snake" Roberts is in for quite a surprise when Kamala's handler, Kim Chee, costs Roberts the match and reveals he's not who he seems to be during Saturday Night's Main Event on May 2, 1987.02/06/2012 - 16:23
Chief Jay Strongbow vs. Kamala: August 25, 1984Two behemoths collide as Chief Jay Strongbow battles Kamala in a match that ends in explosive fashion at Madison Square Garden on August 25, 1984.02/06/2012 - 10:55
The Undertaker vs. Kamala: Survivor Series 1992 - Casket MatchThe Undertaker preys on the fears of Ugandan giant Kamala, hitting him with Paul Bearer's urn in the first-ever Casket Match at Survivor Series 1992 on November 25, 1992.02/06/2012 - 16:17
FULL HOME VIDEO: Smack ‘Em Whack ‘Em – Undertaker vs. Razor Ramon, Hart vs. Michaels & more!Relive classic WWE Home Video action with Smack ‘Em Whack ‘Em, featuring The Undertaker battling Razor Ramon! Plus, Bret “Hit Man” Hart faces Shawn Michaels in a Ladder Match, and action featuring Earthquake, Crush and much more!02/05/2025 - 18:21
Hailing from the wilds of Uganda, Kamala was one of the most savage and terrifying Superstars sports-entertainment has ever seen. No one — not even his long-time handler, Kim Chee — ever seemed to know what the Ugandan Giant's next move would be, leading to a lot of bad nights for his foes.
Behind that savage exterior, however, was the heart of a warrior. Not much was known about Kamala's life before venturing into sports-entertainment, other than that he was a savage from the wild who apparently worked as a bodyguard for former Ugandan leader Idi Amin. He was never seen without Kim Chee, as he spoke no English — conversing only in loud yelps and grunts — and looked like a true jungle beast.
Barefoot and clad only in a loin cloth, face paint, and moons and stars painted on his chest, Kamala came to the ring wearing a ritual African tribal mask and carrying a spear, often slapping his ample belly as well. A disturbing enough sight for opponents, made all the worse when you add in the fact that Kamala was 6-foot-7, 350-pounds-plus of savage beast.
In 1982, Kamala first came into sports-entertainment when he was brought into Mid-South and World Class Championship Wrestling by the devious General Skandor Akbar. While there, he terrorized numerous opponents before leaving for WWE in 1984.
Under the tutelage of Kim Chee — and later Mr. Fuji — Kamala instantly became one of the most feared and hated Superstars WWE had ever seen. While he was unsuccessful in his quest to win the WWE Championship, the Ugandan Giant took Hulk Hogan to the limit on several occasions. Later, after falling under Fuji's employ, he formed a deadly duo with a former World Tag Team Champion, Sika the Wild Samoan. The savage pair complemented each other well, but they were unable to conquer any gold before Kamala left WWE in 1988.
He would return a few years later, this time led by Kim Chee and Harvey Wippleman; the devious Wippleman recruited Kamala for his war with Undertaker, but unfortunately, the Ugandan Giant was unable to eliminate The Phenom. After losing the first-ever Coffin Match to The Deadman at Survivor Series 1992, Kamala became the subject of much abuse and ridicule from his handlers.
Enter Reverend Slick. The good "Doctor of Style" tried to stop Wippleman & Kim Chee's abuse, reminding Kamala that he was, in fact, not a jungle savage, but a man. Eventually, his positive message got through, inspiring Kamala to turn against his captors to join the Reverend's camp. Our fans instantly flocked to the big guy, as Slick tried to teach him how to be civilized, but both men left WWE shortly thereafter. Kamala resurfaced in WCW in 1995, this time as part of Kevin Sullivan's Dungeon of Doom, brought in to destroy Hulk Hogan. However, the Ugandan Giant disappeared almost as quickly as he had returned.