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Percy Watson gets a second chance at living his dream in NXT

Percy Watson

It’s rare in life when you get a second chance to pursue your dream. However, that is precisely the case for “Showtime” Percy Watson. Originally setting out to pursue an in-ring WWE career, Watson thought his dream was all but gone when he was released in 2013. However, it was a chance phone call that gave him another opportunity to live his WWE dream. This week, Watson sat down with WWE.com to talk about life after WWE, and his new role as a WWE NXT broadcaster.

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WWE.COM: First off, congratulations on joining the NXT announce team. What has the experience been like thus far?

PERCY WATSON: I feel privileged and honored to be a new addition to the announce team. It's a lot of fun, but there’s a lot to learn. Nonetheless, I look forward to being around as long as I possibly can.

WWE.COM: You initially joined WWE in 2009 after playing in the NFL. How would you sum up your first stint with the company?

WATSON: It was a huge learning experience and the most fun I've ever had in my life. There's no business in the world like WWE. I felt like I had more to do as a wrestler, but things happen in life and you move on.

WWE.COM: Was it hard adjusting to life after WWE?

WATSON: It was tough at first. I loved being a sports-entertainer and there was literally nothing I could replace that feeling with. You're performing in front of 10,000-plus people. You walk down that ramp and your music is playing, people are screaming. There's so much energy in the arenas.

WWE.COM: What led to your return after being away for more than three years?

WATSON: I’ve missed WWE since the day I left. I got a random call out of the blue and was offered the commentary opportunity, so I jumped at the chance.

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WWE.COM: How did you make a living once you left the company?

WATSON: During the time after I left NFL, prior to joining WWE, I was a commodity trader. Once I left WWE, I went back to doing that.

WWE.COM: You spent time in WWE's former developmental system, Florida Championship Wrestling, before it morphed into NXT. Plus, you competed in both NXT’s original competition format and its present-day brand. What’s your take on the growth of the system as a whole?

WATSON: It’s absolutely amazing! I mean from the talent to the WWE Performance Center to NXT TakeOver events, I love seeing how the developmental product has grown into such a huge brand.

WWE.COM: Much like your wrestling career in WWE, you’re starting from scratch, but this time as a broadcaster. If you had a vision board of goals, what would they be?

WATSON: Well, this whole experience has been completely surreal to me. But now that I’ve got a second chance, my goal is to learn as much as possible. I realize that it'll take some time, but I have no problem with that. I want to bring as much energy and "Showtime" to the announce team as I can.

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