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Refreshed and refocused: How Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan plan to fight their way back into title contention

Refreshed and refocused: How Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan plan to fight their way back into title contention

It's been a tumultuous few months for the team of Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan, two men cut from the same cloth who earned themselves the highest profile match of their careers at NXT TakeOver: Chicago II last June. After nearly capturing the NXT Tag Team Titles from The Undisputed ERA, a broken orbital bone sidelined Lorcan and subsequently halted the upward trajectory of both men's tag team careers. Lorcan is now healed, and last night on NXT TV, both men seemed poised to pick up right where they left off. This week, the team spoke to about Lorcan’s injury, their frustration and their plans to become the premier tag team in NXT.

WWE.COM: How does it feel to finally be back in action on NXT?

DANNY BURCH: Oney and I are both very excited to be back in the ring again. We love competing more than anything, so we’re back in our stride.

WWE.COM: Oney, describe the challenge of recovering from a broken orbital bone.

ONEY LORCAN: At first, it was difficult to eat. They had to put two metal plates on my cheekbone and one on my orbital bone. They cut through the inside of my mouth above my gums and above my right eye to do so. For about a month, eating was pretty difficult, but other than that, I was able to train in the gym not long after surgery. I've had quite a few injuries — a broken hand, broken rib, dislocated jaw, numerous sprains, cuts, bumps and bruises — but the broken orbital and cheekbone were by far the most painful.

Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan are ready for their moment: WWE NXT, Oct. 3, 2018

Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan refuse to let the NXT Tag Team Titles slip through their fingers ever again. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.

WWE.COM: I'm sure it was hard for your loved ones to witness your struggle.

LORCAN: My family hates seeing me get hurt. I always feel bad putting the people I love through this kind of stuff, but it's just part of the job. After my surgery, I spent a lot of time alone, clearing my head and training to come back.

WWE.COM: How frustrating has the setback been for the both of you as a team?

BURCH: Well, we rolled into NXT TakeOver: Chicago, gave The Undisputed ERA a run for their money and walked out earning the fans’ respect. It was hard from the point of view of having to take a backseat and potentially watch another team take the NXT Tag Team Titles from The Undisputed ERA. All I could do while Oney was healing up was keep on training and keep my conditioning up so that when Oney came back, we could come off the racing blocks full-force.

LORCAN: It was frustrating. I've worked extremely hard for 10 years to get to WWE. I've been in NXT for three years, grinding it out, trying to make a name for myself. Finally, when I earned the opportunity to perform on such a prestigious stage as TakeOver: Chicago, I was ready. Even though we lost the match, Danny and I showed the WWE Universe we were among the best teams in all of WWE. I wanted to get back in the ring as soon as possible to continue our momentum. Unfortunately, the injury put that on hold. Very frustrating, but motivating as well.

WWE NXT photos: Oct. 17, 2018

WWE.COM: Danny, what separates the both of you from your tag team peers?

BURCH: Oney and I come from very humble beginnings. We grew up with nothing, and we have everything to gain. We have heart, grit and sheer dogged determination, so how do you prepare for a team that has nothing to lose and everything to gain? You can’t. We plan on attacking the tag division and doing what we do best: in-your-face, smashmouth, knock-down, drag-out competition. It’s exciting for the fans and hard for the tag division to deal with.

WWE.COM: What's your mindset now that the both of you are back in the mix?

LORCAN: I've been focusing on some defensive strategies to protect myself. There is a big target on my surgically repaired face now, so I have to approach my opponents a little differently. Danny and I will still stick to our fundamental mindset though…

BURCH: United we stand, always ready to fight. Throw ’em up!

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