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Carmelo Hayes tells Santos Escobar to put up or shut up

Carmelo Hayes tells Santos Escobar to put up or shut up

Santos Escobar had some choice words for Carmelo Hayes following Hayes’ claims of elevating the NXT North American Championship last Tuesday.

The head of Legado del Fantasma scoffed at Hayes’ worthiness of being a champion, telling the former North American Champion to move to the back of the line after losing his title to Cameron Grimes at Stand & Deliver. Not one to back down from a fight, Hayes responded to Escobar’s discrediting remarks by telling Escobar to meet him in the ring Tuesday night.

Will Hayes show why he was the self-titled “A Champion,” or will Escobar stake his claim as the next challenger to the North American Title? Find out Tuesday night on NXT 2.0 at 8/7 C on USA!

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