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Carmelo Hayes and Roderick Strong collide for unified title at New Year’s Evil

Carmelo Hayes and Roderick Strong collide for unified title at New Year’s Evil

Who is the premier champion of NXT, North American Champion Carmelo Hayes or Cruiserweight Champion Roderick Strong?

Each Superstar has been claiming that his Championship is the top title in NXT and the time has come for these Superstars to put their money where their mouths are, by going title for title at New Year’s Evil.

Since cashing in his NXT Breakout Tournament contract to swipe the North American Title, Hayes has been on a mission to elevate the title to the “A Championship” of NXT. Meanwhile, Strong has been on the hunt for “Big Money Fights” suspending the stipulations for the Cruiserweight Title to take on all competitors, including Odyssey Jones and Joe Gacy.

With both Superstars declaring their superiority over NXT 2.0, it was only a matter of time before their paths crossed resulting in a ringside melee.

Who will walk out of New Year’s Evil as the NXT North American Champion? Find out Jan. 4 at 8/7 C on USA!

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