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Ciampa to Dream: “I will turn the dream into a nightmare”

Tommaso Ciampa

Following a hard-fought victory over Heavy Machinery’s Otis Dozovic, Tommaso Ciampa appeared on NXT this week to send a warning to another Superstar who implicated him in the Aleister Black drama: Velveteen Dream. Last week, Dream ambiguously accused The Blackheart for the mysterious attack on Black that put the former NXT Champion out of action. Just as he did when Dozovic did the same a few weeks back, Ciampa denied the claims, telling Velveteen Dream that he seemed to be “living in a dream world.”

Ciampa recently took Dozovic to task after the Heavy Machinery member namedropped the NXT Champion in the ongoing investigation into Black’s attacker. Signaling a similar show-and-tell approach with Dream, The Blackheart warned, “Stay out of the champ’s spotlight… I will be the guy that turns the dream into a nightmare.”

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