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Seven steps to gorgeous: The Tyler Breeze guide to Superstardom

Seven steps to gorgeous: The Tyler Breeze guide to Superstardom

The moment an NXT competitor is poised to make his or her debut, the goal is universally the same: make a memorable impact and leave a lasting impression. Last week, Tyler Breeze followed suit, but the impression he left may have created more questions than answers.

Sporting a fur coat, slicked-back hair, a self-absorbed strut and an obsession with taking “selfies” on his cell phone, many NXT observers and aficionados questioned whether Breeze was more interested in walking a runway than competing in the ring. Despite a slow start to the match (because Breeze was busy taking self-portraits), the male model scored a victory while maintaining his self-proclaimed “gorgeous looks.”

View the bio of Breeze

Seeing as how NXT's newest face clearly has a different mindset than most when it comes to making an impression, he provided WWE.com with a seven-step guide defining what it takes to truly become a Superstar. We should remind you that the following guide only reflects the views of Tyler Breeze and not WWE.com. You’ve been warned.

Seven steps to gorgeous: The Tyler Breeze guide to Superstardom

Step one: Create intrigue

Breeze says…

“Nobody knows who you are so they need triggers to identify your existence. For instance, if you heard someone say, ‘Where is Prince Pretty?’ automatically you would know that they’re talking about me. If you were traveling down the highway and you saw a sign for ‘Cuteville,’ you would know that I’m the most popular resident. It’s intriguing and makes you want to know more about me."

Step two: Discover your good side

Breeze says…

“Most people only have one good side to work with. Fortunately for me, I have never had a bad side. But if I did, I’d imagine it might be a little stressful and hard to capture."

Step three: Learn how to smile

Breeze says…

“This is a topic I take great pride in. Most people say they have good smiles simply because they’re not frowning. But believe me, it takes much more. Personally, I like to chew celery to build my tooth enamel while using the inside of a banana peel to whiten my teeth to perfection. To create the precise plumpness in my lips, I like to rub a mixture of coconut and fish oil on them along with my special citrus lip balm just to give them a playful scent.”

Check out Tyler Breeze's photos

Seven steps to gorgeous: The Tyler Breeze guide to Superstardom

Step four: Groom your hair follicles properly

Breeze says…

“I believe each strand of hair should be treated like your little family up north. Every chance you have to do your hair should be treated like a family reunion. Once a member of the family is out of place, you stop what you’re doing and make sure they return home. Most people don’t understand this, but I do.”

Step five: Choose the right outfit

Breeze says…

“This is what I call a deal-breaker. Nobody should aspire to make the worst-dressed list. I choose to wear fur around my legs because it reminds me of my puppy, Neo. It’s cute, comfy and complementary. I wore sapphire skin tights during my debut match on NXT because the ring lights create a glistening effect on them that screams ‘Superstar.’ Last but not least, my fur coat is a form of heat therapy for my muscles so they are loose and capable once I start the match.”

Step six: Own the right cellular device

Breeze says…

“Your cell phone should work just as well as you do. Because my looks are exceptionally remarkable, I’ve ensured my phone is the same. After all, any device that captures your likeness should operate under the highest level of megapixels. You know what they say, the camera never lies and neither does my beauty.”

Step seven: Know your product

Breeze says…

“If you’ve accomplished steps one through six, this should be pretty easy. If you know your product, then you know what the people want to see. And if your name is Tyler Breeze, the people want to see you. For additional information, watch me on NXT."

Follow Tyler Breeze on Twitter @MmmGorgeous and on Instagram at instagram.com/mmmgorgeous

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