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Travis Banks def. Ashton Smith in a Quarterfinal Match

Travis Banks releases his intense arsenal on Ashton Smith: 2018 WWE United Kingdom Tournament (WWE Network Exclusive)

The Kiwi Buzzsaw takes Ashton Smith to school in the last Quarterfinal Match of the explosive WWE U.K. Championship Tournament.

Ashton Smith has been extolled by no less than 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick as a Superstar to keep your eye on. Unfortunately for the raw-boned Smith, “Kiwi Buzzsaw” Travis Banks had his number and cut him down with a variety of hard strikes. Smith didn’t back down, yelling “hit me” at Banks, but his hubris was misplaced. The New Zealander granted Smith’s wish, drilling him with a Slice of Heaven springboard enzuigiri and the Kiwi Crusher fisherman buster for the pin. Banks now looks ahead to a Semifinal showdown with Joe Coffey.

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