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Thursday, Oct 21 | 12 PMET/9 AMPT

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Thursday, Oct 21 | 12 PMET/9 AMPT

Saudi Olympia Tareg Hamedi saves Mansoor from a post-match assault after Mansoor’s win over Mustafa Ali

Saudi Olympia Tareg Hamedi saves Mansoor from a post-match assault after Mansoor’s win over Mustafa Ali

Mansoor could not wait to prove his worth to his former tag team partner after Mustafa Ali assaulted Mansoor on Raw to sever their partnership. The two former friends exchanged blows until the veteran instincts of Ali kicked in, allowing him to gain the upper hand after slamming Mansoor into the outside barricade.

Mustafa Ali’s trash talk gets Mansoor fired up: WWE Crown Jewel 2021 (WWE Network Exclusive)

Mustafa Ali hurls one too many insults at Mansoor as they clash one-on-one at WWE Crown Jewel. Catch WWE action on Peacock, WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Ali then locked in the Camel Clutch, but Mansoor powered his way out of the hold, only to be met with a tornado DDT. Ali began to verbally berate Mansoor in the corner, but it only fired up Mansoor, who blasted Ali with a thunderous clothesline before a belly-to-belly into the ring buckle and a moonsault nearly put Ali away.

With Mansoor rolling out of the way of a 450 splash attempt, he finally aired his demons with Ali thanks to a flying spinning neckbreaker from the ring apron for the three-count.

An enraged Ali then assaulted Mansoor until a mysterious figure appeared at the top of the ramp to confront Ali. That man turned out to be Saudi Olympian Tareg Hamedi, who swiftly dispatched Ali with a kick to the head and celebrated in the ring with Mansoor.

Mansoor could not wait to prove his worth to his former tag team partner after Mustafa Ali assaulted Mansoor on Raw to sever their partnership. The two former friends exchanged blows until the veteran instincts of Ali kicked in, allowing him to gain the upper hand after slamming Mansoor into the outside barricade.

Mustafa Ali’s trash talk gets Mansoor fired up: WWE Crown Jewel 2021 (WWE Network Exclusive)

Mustafa Ali hurls one too many insults at Mansoor as they clash one-on-one at WWE Crown Jewel. Catch WWE action on Peacock, WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.

Ali then locked in the Camel Clutch, but Mansoor powered his way out of the hold, only to be met with a tornado DDT. Ali began to verbally berate Mansoor in the corner, but it only fired up Mansoor, who blasted Ali with a thunderous clothesline before a belly-to-belly into the ring buckle and a moonsault nearly put Ali away.

With Mansoor rolling out of the way of a 450 splash attempt, he finally aired his demons with Ali thanks to a flying spinning neckbreaker from the ring apron for the three-count.

An enraged Ali then assaulted Mansoor until a mysterious figure appeared at the top of the ramp to confront Ali. That man turned out to be Saudi Olympian Tareg Hamedi, who swiftly dispatched Ali with a kick to the head and celebrated in the ring with Mansoor.