Team Orton vs. Team Barrett – Elimination Tag Team Match
Randy Orton led four other Superstars into the ring against Wade Barrett's team in the Survivor Series tradition.

Wade Barrett is ready to prove his leadership abilities as captain of his 5-man Survivor Series team.
Randy Orton is the opposing captain of the team challenging Team Barrett.
Kofi Kingston and Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler start the 5-on-5 Traditional Elimination Match.
Kingston and Sin Cara take to the air. Unfortunately the masked marvel is injured going over the top rope.
After Dolph Ziggler is eliminated, Wade Barrett strategizes with Hunico, Cody Rhodes and Jack Swagger.
Mason Ryan displays his impressive strength inside Madison Square Garden.
Ryan has a major size advantage and levels Hunico.
Rhodes tags himself in and assists Hunico against the massive Ryan.
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