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Survivor Series dream teams: A.J.

Survivor Series dream teams: A.J.

WWE.COM: So you can team up with any competitors in WWE history at Survivor Series. Who do you choose?

A.J.: Gosh. First, I’d start with the Divas who are my favorite of all time — Lita, Molly Holly, Trish.

WWE.COM: Why are those three your favorites?

A.J.: When I was like 11 or 12 and wanted to get into wresting they were the reasons why, so it’d be awesome to be in the ring with them.

WWE.COM: Okay, who else?

A.J.: How big is this team?

WWE.COM: Five people.

A.J.: Now we have one more, right? I got to throw a guy in there. Eddie Guerrero is my favorite ever.

WWE.COM: What did you love about Eddie?

A.J.: His attitude. He kind of reminds me of my dad. Everyone in my family is a little spicy and playful. He just had the most personality in the ring I’ve ever seen. I love him.

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