
Survivor Series: WarGames

Match Results

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Sunday, Nov 27 | 12 AMET/9 PMPT

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Team SmackDown def. Team RAW (Classic Survivor Series Match)

Two years in a row, Randy Orton was the sole survivor of his Classic Survivor Series team. This year, Randy completed the three-peat, propelling Team SmackDown to victory. However, Orton's celebration was cut short by the return of his arch-nemesis.

After a lengthy feeling out process, Lashley showed why he qualified for Team SmackDown, overpowering Team RAW and using his power to block the Master Lock. After hitting his Dominator on Carlito, Lashley looked to eliminate RAW captain Shawn Michaels with the same move. Instead, Kane reached over the ropes, grabbing Lashley's throat and delivering a thunderous chokeslam. HBK then pinned Lashley for the first elimination.

Rey Mysterio tried his hand, but Team RAW used their size to overpower him. Rey managed a tag to World Heavyweight Champion Batista, but after the Animal took Kane down, he baited the rest of Team RAW to try their hand. This allowed Mysterio to sneak in and hit the 619 on a fallen Kane, and Batista easily covered the Big Red Monster to even the sides at four. Big Show then immediately came in and chokeslammed Batista, but SmackDown's team captain escaped the pinfall. Kane, still in the ring, assisted his partner in giving the Animal a double-chokeslam, and that was enough for Show to pin Batista, quickly giving RAW back its one man advantage.

JBL was next in for Team SmackDown, but Big Show overpowered the former WWE Champion. However, he made the fatal mistake of going after Team SmackDown. Randy Orton dropped Show neck-first across the top rope, leaving him easy prey for JBL's Clothesline from Hell. Somehow, Show managed to find a way to get up, prompting a puzzled JBL to tag in Mysterio. He delivered a 619, but Show kept fighting. Randy Orton tried the RKO, but that still wouldn't keep the World Tag Team Champion down. After another Clothesline From Hell, Mysterio hit a seated senton splash, and that was finally enough. Rey got the three count, and the sides were even once more.

Show's elimination sparked a pier-six brawl, and JBL took HBK out of the equation with a fallaway slam on the floor. This effectively left RAW down 3-on-2, but the RAW duo of Carlito and Chris Masters managed to isolate Mysterio to keep the advantage. The numbers game would prove too much, however. As Carlito set up Rey for his modified swinging neckbreaker, JBL made a blind tag on Mysterio. With Carlito in perfect position, JBL nailed him with a Clothesline From Hell, getting the three count to give Team SmackDown its first official numbers advantage of the match. Masters fought the three remaining SmackDown team members valiantly, but with HBK still hurt on the floor, The Masterpiece fell victim to the 619. Rey then Dropped the Dime to eliminate Masters, leaving an injured HBK alone against three.

Even down three against one, HBK showed the resilience that has made him one of the greatest Superstars in WWE history. After feeling the 619, Michaels managed to hit Sweet Chin Music on Mysterio as he attempted the West Coast Pop, and HBK quickly pinned Rey. JBL tried to capitalize quickly, but HBK ducked the Clothesline from Hell, gave JBL a little Sweet Chin Music of his own, and scored another pinfall, leaving HBK one-on-one with Randy Orton.

Randy tried to hit a quick RKO, but Michaels escaped. Orton managed to control the tiring HBK, but Michaels found a way to keep fighting. HBK hit his patented flying elbow, and tuned up the band for another try at Sweet Chin Music. However, JBL was still at ringside, and he grabbed a chair and entered the ring. He swung and missed at HBK, JBL heard the music one more time. This momentary distraction gave Orton enough time to recover, and as HBK turned around, the Legend Killer delivered an RKO. This finally took the fight out of Michaels, and three seconds later, Orton was once again the sole Survivor.

As the SmackDown roster rushed out to celebrate the victory, the familiar gong of the Undertaker was heard. Druids wheeled out a casket as Orton stood in disbelief in the ring. With the casket turned upright, a lightning bolt flew from the sky, igniting the coffin in flames. As Orton continued to watch in horror, Undertaker kicked down the coffin's door, returning for the first time since Orton seemingly vanquished him at No Mercy.

Undertaker strode to the ring to a huge ovation, and the SmackDown locker room tried to run interference as Orton bailed from the ring. The Deadman delivered a series of chokeslams to the SmackDown Superstars, and then gave William Regal a Tombstone as Orton watched from the aisle. In the end, Undertaker he was left alone in the ring, and the legend and the Legend Killer stared down as Survivor Series came to a close.

Survivor Series: WarGames
Survivor Series: WarGames
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Survivor Series: WarGames
Survivor Series: WarGames
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Two years in a row, Randy Orton was the sole survivor of his Classic Survivor Series team. This year, Randy completed the three-peat, propelling Team SmackDown to victory. However, Orton's celebration was cut short by the return of his arch-nemesis.

After a lengthy feeling out process, Lashley showed why he qualified for Team SmackDown, overpowering Team RAW and using his power to block the Master Lock. After hitting his Dominator on Carlito, Lashley looked to eliminate RAW captain Shawn Michaels with the same move. Instead, Kane reached over the ropes, grabbing Lashley's throat and delivering a thunderous chokeslam. HBK then pinned Lashley for the first elimination.

Rey Mysterio tried his hand, but Team RAW used their size to overpower him. Rey managed a tag to World Heavyweight Champion Batista, but after the Animal took Kane down, he baited the rest of Team RAW to try their hand. This allowed Mysterio to sneak in and hit the 619 on a fallen Kane, and Batista easily covered the Big Red Monster to even the sides at four. Big Show then immediately came in and chokeslammed Batista, but SmackDown's team captain escaped the pinfall. Kane, still in the ring, assisted his partner in giving the Animal a double-chokeslam, and that was enough for Show to pin Batista, quickly giving RAW back its one man advantage.

JBL was next in for Team SmackDown, but Big Show overpowered the former WWE Champion. However, he made the fatal mistake of going after Team SmackDown. Randy Orton dropped Show neck-first across the top rope, leaving him easy prey for JBL's Clothesline from Hell. Somehow, Show managed to find a way to get up, prompting a puzzled JBL to tag in Mysterio. He delivered a 619, but Show kept fighting. Randy Orton tried the RKO, but that still wouldn't keep the World Tag Team Champion down. After another Clothesline From Hell, Mysterio hit a seated senton splash, and that was finally enough. Rey got the three count, and the sides were even once more.

Show's elimination sparked a pier-six brawl, and JBL took HBK out of the equation with a fallaway slam on the floor. This effectively left RAW down 3-on-2, but the RAW duo of Carlito and Chris Masters managed to isolate Mysterio to keep the advantage. The numbers game would prove too much, however. As Carlito set up Rey for his modified swinging neckbreaker, JBL made a blind tag on Mysterio. With Carlito in perfect position, JBL nailed him with a Clothesline From Hell, getting the three count to give Team SmackDown its first official numbers advantage of the match. Masters fought the three remaining SmackDown team members valiantly, but with HBK still hurt on the floor, The Masterpiece fell victim to the 619. Rey then Dropped the Dime to eliminate Masters, leaving an injured HBK alone against three.

Even down three against one, HBK showed the resilience that has made him one of the greatest Superstars in WWE history. After feeling the 619, Michaels managed to hit Sweet Chin Music on Mysterio as he attempted the West Coast Pop, and HBK quickly pinned Rey. JBL tried to capitalize quickly, but HBK ducked the Clothesline from Hell, gave JBL a little Sweet Chin Music of his own, and scored another pinfall, leaving HBK one-on-one with Randy Orton.

Randy tried to hit a quick RKO, but Michaels escaped. Orton managed to control the tiring HBK, but Michaels found a way to keep fighting. HBK hit his patented flying elbow, and tuned up the band for another try at Sweet Chin Music. However, JBL was still at ringside, and he grabbed a chair and entered the ring. He swung and missed at HBK, JBL heard the music one more time. This momentary distraction gave Orton enough time to recover, and as HBK turned around, the Legend Killer delivered an RKO. This finally took the fight out of Michaels, and three seconds later, Orton was once again the sole Survivor.

As the SmackDown roster rushed out to celebrate the victory, the familiar gong of the Undertaker was heard. Druids wheeled out a casket as Orton stood in disbelief in the ring. With the casket turned upright, a lightning bolt flew from the sky, igniting the coffin in flames. As Orton continued to watch in horror, Undertaker kicked down the coffin's door, returning for the first time since Orton seemingly vanquished him at No Mercy.

Undertaker strode to the ring to a huge ovation, and the SmackDown locker room tried to run interference as Orton bailed from the ring. The Deadman delivered a series of chokeslams to the SmackDown Superstars, and then gave William Regal a Tombstone as Orton watched from the aisle. In the end, Undertaker he was left alone in the ring, and the legend and the Legend Killer stared down as Survivor Series came to a close.