The All Mighty and Mr. Money in the Bank duke it out until Lashley rocks Theory with a running powerslam. Catch WWE action on Peacock, WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more.
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Theory put his Money in the Bank briefcase to use earlier than expected, pummeling Bobby Lashley with it before the bell. Theory jumped on Lashley, not giving him any time to recover, but The All Mighty quickly got back on the attack.
Deciding he was above the match, Theory attempted to take his briefcase and walk away, but Lashley stood in his path and tossed him like a ragdoll into the barricade. The two Superstars traded blows in the center of the ring as Nissan Stadium rained down cheers following a running powerslam by Lashley.
The All Mighty signaled for the Spear, but Theory vaulted over Lashley, sending him flying into the ring post. Theory went for a rolling dropkick, but Lashley plucked him out of the air and cinched in the Hurt Lock for a quick tapout from Theory to remain the United States Champion.
Theory put his Money in the Bank briefcase to use earlier than expected, pummeling Bobby Lashley with it before the bell. Theory jumped on Lashley, not giving him any time to recover, but The All Mighty quickly got back on the attack.
Deciding he was above the match, Theory attempted to take his briefcase and walk away, but Lashley stood in his path and tossed him like a ragdoll into the barricade. The two Superstars traded blows in the center of the ring as Nissan Stadium rained down cheers following a running powerslam by Lashley.
The All Mighty signaled for the Spear, but Theory vaulted over Lashley, sending him flying into the ring post. Theory went for a rolling dropkick, but Lashley plucked him out of the air and cinched in the Hurt Lock for a quick tapout from Theory to remain the United States Champion.