The WWE Universe embraces "YES-ing": photos

This little slugger starts "YES-ing" after successfully reaching first base. (via email)
@stan947 points skyward before the Oblation statue at the University of the Philippines
Two soldiers affirm their American pride in the best way they know how. (via @TocSinXXVII)
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Even @Peta feels compelled to show support for their favorite vegan Superstar.
Via @CarterSeaton
@DivaAlexxandra prepares to make "YES-ing" look just as good as when Daniel Bryan does it.
Via @Rdub666
@LoraFitz recommends never letting a little rain stop you from "YES-ing."
Via @FozzyFanForLife
@anny_dy and friends engage in some "JA-ing" after flying from Germany to Miami for Raw SuperShow.
Via @thekiswooeffect
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