Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan set for high-stakes Universal Title clash

Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan set for high-stakes Universal Title clash

The Head of the Table makes the rules, and Daniel Bryan is ready to play the game.

Roman Reigns shrugged off Cesaro on SmackDown and laid out a Universal Title opportunity for The Leader of the “Yes!” Movement. The challenge came with one catch: If Bryan loses, he’ll be barred from SmackDown.

Bryan nearly pulled off another shocking WrestleMania moment in his storied career, but Reigns’ stack ‘em up spoiler proved true as the curtain closed on The Showcase of the Immortals.

Will Bryan defy the odds this time, as he battles Reigns for the Universal Title and his career?

Don’t miss the high-stakes showdown tonight at 8/7 C on FOX!

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