Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Kane

Rey Mysterio returns from The Bash the new Intercontinental Champion.
Rey quickly falls into the clutches of the sadistic Kane.
Mysterio uses his quickness to cut his opponent down to size.
The Big Red Machine locks his dangerous hands around Mysterio's neck.
He refuses to let up on the masked champion for a second.
He slams The Master of the 619 down with horrifying authority.
Kane takes the Intercontinental Champion completely off his feet.
The former World Champion takes great joy in punishing his prey ...
... smiling with absolutely horrific bliss.
Kane catches the high-octane Mysterio where he does not want to be.
The ruthless Superstar prepares to take Mysterio for a painful ride.
Mysterio takes the early offensive on Kane with explosive kicks of fury.