AJ Styles and a returning Chris Jericho confront Kevin Owens: photos
After recapturing the United States Title from AJ Styles at WWE Battleground, Kevin Owens attempts to announce the return of the New Face of America Open Challenge, only for The Phenomenal One and a returning Chris Jericho to interrupt him.

Two days after winning back the United States Title, Kevin Owens is all smiles and he kicks off SmackDown LIVE.
KO says he is bringing back the United States Title Open Challenge...
... but not tonight in Richmond, Va.
AJ Styles interrupts Owens' tirade...
... and wants his rematch for the U.S. Title tonight on SmackDown!
KO refuses when suddenly...
... he is interrupted by a returning Chris Jericho!
The lead singer of Fozzy and The Phenomenal One both want their rematch for the United States Title.
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