Erick Rowan returned and reunited with Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt and Erick Rowan ambush Randy Orton: SmackDown LIVE, April 4, 2017

Bray Wyatt challenges The Viper to a House of Horrors Match before orchestrating a sinister sneak attack with the help of a returning disciple.

ORLANDO, Fla.Randy Orton’s time to bask in the vindication of recapturing the WWE Championship from Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania was short. Very short.

Just as the titleholder began to describe his major victory at The Ultimate Thrill Ride, The Reaper of Souls interrupted and challenged The Viper to what he called a House of Horrors Match, intent on reclaiming the title he rightfully believed was promised to him by Sister Abigail herself.

Just as soon as The Viper accepted the match, more immediate horrors took hold in the form of a sudden ambush from Wyatt’s reemerging disciple, Erick Rowan. The two began to beat The Apex Predator down, but Luke Harper rushed out to even the odds, as Wyatt and Rowan retreated … for now.

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