Alberto Del Rio seeks answers from Booker T: photos

Alberto Del Rio saunters to ringside at the Frank Erwin Center in Austin, Texas.
The Mexican Aristocrat demands his World Heavyweight Title opportunity at SummerSlam ...
... and promises not to leave the ring until SmackDown General Manager Booker T reinstates his match.
Booker T defends his decision, stating Del Rio overstepped his bounds by attacking World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus.
When Del Rio threatens legal action if his No. 1 contender status isn't restored ...
.. Chris Jericho emerges to interrupt the proceedings and request that Del Rio quit his whining.
Y2J displays his multilingual talents by hurling an insult in Spanish at The Mexican Aristocrat.
Jericho also states he can handle beating Dolph Ziggler and being the No. 1 contender at SummerSlam.
The five-time WCW Champion breaks up the war of words in the ring to set the record straight.