Supplemental Slammy winners

Supplemental Slammy winners

Prior to the Slammy Awards airing on Monday Night Raw, WWE officials handed out the prestigious award in 10 lesser known categories. Herewith, a list of those categories and their respective winners: 

Best Performance by a Winged Specimen
Monday Night Raw chicken (WATCH)

Best Use of Exercise Equipment
Rosa Mendes' use of a Shake Weight (WATCH)

Most Menacing Haircut
Tyler Reks

Best Family Values
Kane destroys Jack Swagger Sr. as his son looks on

Superstar/Diva Most in Need of Makeup

The "Cole in Your Stocking" Award
Daniel Bryan attacks Michael Cole on WWE NXT (WATCH)

Outstanding Achievement in Baby Oil Application
"Dashing" Cody Rhodes

Frequent Tweeter Award

Best Exclusive TV Show

Most Annoying Catchphrase
Zack Ryder for "Woo, woo, woo, you know it."

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