Wearing an "Anti-Cena" shirt, The Miz heads to the ring.
Once again, Miz runs his mouth regarding his opponent.
Though he has talked quite a lot, The Miz hasn't acted much on his words.
Tonight, he will have to act as John Cena is ready to shut him up.
Cena has been looking forward to a chance to face The Miz one-on-one.
Just seconds away from action, there's no backing out now.
Unfortunately, as fate would have it, Big Show has his own plans for tonight.
Cena is ready for Miz ... but is he ready for the waiting Big Show?
Again! Cena hoists the giant on his shoulders.
Big Show picks up the former champion for the brutal slam.
Show stands over a beaten-down Cena.
Cena gasps for air in The World's Largest Athlete's lethal hold.
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