Raw Photos: Jeff Hardy & Y2J vs. JBL & Randy Orton

Y2J poses for the crowd in Philadelphia.
WWE Champion Randy Orton heads to the ring.
Y2J takes the Legend Killer to the mat with a neckbreaker.
Hardy drops a Swanton Bomb onto Randy Orton.
Jeff Hardy hits JBL with a legdrop.
Orton holds Hardy down as JBL kicks away.
Y2J sizes up JBL for the Walls of Jericho.
Orton strikes out of nowhere with an RKO on Jericho.
Orton and JBL celebrate their victory over Y2J and Hardy.
John Cena is looking for a piece of the champ.
JBL runs and hides from the former WWE Champion.
Cena dials up an FU for the WWE Champion.
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