John Cena & Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton & Chris Jericho

World Heavyweight Champion John Cena is ready for his tag team match.
Chris Jericho works over the champion as Shawn Michaels looks on.
HBK and Cena work together to knock Jericho out of the ring.
Even with all the chaos, The Champ looks like he is about to prevail.
Along with impressive strength, Cena displays outstanding agility as well.
Things seem to have taken a turn for the worse for Cena.
Cena does whatever he can to fight back against Jericho's vicious attack.
The Legend Killer prevents The Showstopper from getting tagged in.
Michaels comes down hard off the top rope onto Jericho's knees.
Orton is introduced to the band as Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music.
Orton is incapacitated as Michaels picks up the pin on Jericho.
The Champ stares, stunned at what has just happened before him.