Randy Orton to kick off Raw by announcing his next target

Randy Orton to kick off Raw by announcing his next target

Who will The Viper look to strike next? We’ll find out at the start of Raw this Monday night when Randy Orton kicks off the show by announcing his next target.

The Legend Killer has been on an absolute tear in recent weeks. First, he toppled Edge in The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever at WWE Backlash, then mercilessly took out Christian in an Unsanctioned Match the next night.

Not even The World’s Largest Athlete could stymie the dastardly Orton, as Big Show also fell victim to an RKO and a punt in a brutal Unsanctioned Match last week.

After dismantling legend after legend with savage yet surgical precision, who will The Viper take aim at next? And will they have any chance of slowing Orton down?

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