Bray Wyatt attacked Mick Foley

Bray Wyatt emerges to attack Mick Foley: Raw Reunion, July 22, 2019

Bray Wyatt appears in his frightening “Fiend” persona to lay waste to The Hardcore Legend.

At least one WWE Hall of Famer’s homecoming wasn’t such a joyous affair: Mick Foley found himself victimized by Bray Wyatt before he could even get a word in edgewise, save for a brief mention of the night’s shenanigans involving the 24/7 Championship. (More on that later.) The Hardcore Legend had just started to elaborate on his favorite Raw memory (winning his first WWE Championship on the red brand in January 1999) when the lights cut out; once they flickered back on, Bray Wyatt was in the middle of the ring, his “Hurt” glove raised ominously in front of his mask. The Fiend quickly struck by locking in a macabre imitation of Foley’s own Mandible Claw on the Hall of Famer, bringing the legend down to the mat before fading once again into the black.

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