Batista attacks Ric Flair to send a message to Triple H: photos
As Raw celebrates the 70th birthday of two-time WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair, The Animal attacks his former Evolution mentor to get the attention of The Game.

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon hit the ring to celebrate Ric Flair's 70th birthday!
Triple H says sometimes you get nights like tonight where Roman Reign returns, or Ronda Rousey lays down the Raw Women’s Title or Becky Lynch gets arrested.
Stephanie and Triple H say we’re here to celebrate the 70th birthday of Ric Flair!
One of the guests is Shawn Michaels!
Also on hand is one of Flair’s greatest rivals… Ricky Steamboat!
Kurt Angle also joins the party!
And Sting!
Stephanie reveals a custom-made Championship for Flair!
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