Raw Tag Team Champions Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre def. The Revival

Raw Tag Team Champions Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre def. The Revival

If not for Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre, The Revival might be Raw Tag Team Champions. That was true three weeks ago when they jumped Dash & Dawson in the backstage area and took their opportunity to challenge The B-Team, and it was true tonight when the “Top Guys” got the title match that had been stolen from them, as they came up short despite an inspiring effort that may well cement them as champions-in-waiting.

Alas, they'll have to wait. Dash & Dawson planned every move perfectly, isolating Ziggler from McIntyre and dissecting him bit by bit. But they ended up getting a taste of their own medicine when Dash, riding high after torqueing Ziggler with an agonizing Rings of Saturn, found himself olé’d into the steel steps. Now, both teams were effectively a member down, and despite a gritty rally from the two-time NXT Tag Team Champions that saw them briefly incapacitate McIntyre, The Scottish Terminator essentially ended the match when he tagged in and dispatched both challengers singlehandedly. With Dawson downed by a big boot and legal man Wilder dazed by a Glasgow Kiss, Dash was helpless to stop the Claymore-Zig Zag. A noble effort, but the coronation will have to wait: Ziggler & McIntyre clearly still run this show.

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