"Miz TV" presents the first-annual "Mizzies": photos
The A-Lister brings some “credibility” to Raw with his own award show, which leads to an all-out brawl involving Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and The Miztourage.

Flanked by Maryse and The Miztourage, The Miz makes his way to the squared circle.
The A-Lister prepares to give out a series of awards, "Mizzies."
The Awesome One first presents the Mizzie for Best Supporting Actor to...
... Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel, who are co-winners!
Bo thanks Miz for saving his career and his life...
... and Axel says that he feels like a million bucks and is going to make a million bucks thanks to the Intercontinental Champion.
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