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Raw Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair def. Bayley

Raw Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair def. Bayley

Give a goodbye hug to Bayley’s three-match winning streak against Charlotte Flair, because The Queen finally — finally — notched a one-on-one victory over The Huggable One, albeit one that wasn’t exactly on the level. After calling up a replay of Bayley’s win over the Raw Women’s Champion last week — and showing, definitively, that the official missed Charlotte’s shoulder coming off the mat — Flair revealed she and her lawyers had gotten Stephanie McMahon to expunge the match. And with it, Bayley’s No. 1 contender status was expunged, too. Then, Charlotte successfully goaded Bayley into a No. 1 contender’s rematch with a settlement-guaranteed referee who would be far more sympathetic to The Queen’s goals: Dana Brooke.

Bayley, wisely, took Brooke out early in the match, which led another referee to take her place. But Brooke recovered in time to relieve the zebra and re-enter the fray just as Charlotte had taken a Bayley-to-Belly. Dana sealed the deal by slapping a fast three-count on the mat after Charlotte executed a roll-up of Bayley with her feet on the ropes. Flair and square, baby. Flair and square.

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