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Darren Young def. Titus O'Neil

Darren Young vs. Titus O'Neil: Raw, Aug. 29, 2016

The former Prime Time Players collide as WWE Hall of Famer Bob Backlund looks on.

For all of Bob Backlund’s lessons, Darren Young has had trouble channeling the WWE Hall of Famer’s signature, rabid aggression and Titus O’Neil has been capitalizing off his old partner’s hesitation for weeks now. Well, no longer: Mr. No Days Off finally got a true, blue win over his old running mate, showcasing his heart by absorbing a significant beating from O’Neil and rolling him up for a crucifix pin. The celebration was short-lived, though, as The Big Deal ambushed Young from behind with Clash of the Titus almost immediately after the bell rang.

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