Mark Henry confronts Rusev: photos
Upset over Rusev and Lana's trash-talking of American, former Olympian and The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry, comes out on Raw to confront The Super Athlete.

One night after Rusev toppled Jack Swagger in a Flag Match, Lana and The Super Athlete boast about the victory and continue disparaging the United States.
Lana suggests there is no power or strength to be found in America.
The contentious comments bring out The World's Strongest Man.
Mark Henry twice represented the U.S. in the Olympic Games.
Though Henry is quick to note he doesn't usually begrudge anyone for having national pride ...
... he disapproves of the way Rusev and Lana carry themselves.
Rusev attacks ...
... but Henry blocks a kick, delivers the World's Strongest Slam ...
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