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Dean Ambrose suffers injury on Raw but refuses treatment

Dean Ambrose suffers injury on Raw but refuses treatment

Ambrose gets stretchered out: WWE.com Exclusive, Aug. 18, 2014

Dean Ambrose gets stretchered out of the arena.

Despite suffering what was deemed to be extensive head and spine trauma after being Curb Stomped through a pile of cinder blocks by Seth Rollins on Raw, Dean Ambrose has not only refused treatment but is reportedly missing after escaping WWE medical personnel altogether.

“As you saw during the match with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, toward the end of the match, Dean had sustained what we thought was pretty significant head and cervical spine trauma, so as a precaution we immobilized his neck, placed him on a stretcher and removed him from the ring area and brought him backstage,” WWE physician Dr. Chris Amann told WWE.com.

Watch:  Rollins puts Ambrose through the cement

Dr. Amann went on to say that Ambrose’s exact injuries could not be determined thanks to his refusal of treatment, and further tests are impossible at this time as WWE trainers simply cannot find the notoriously unstable former U.S. Champion.

“At the time of bringing him backstage, he was responsive and was refusing transport to a local medical facility for further evaluation,” said Amann. “He had removed the straps and surgical collar, said he refused to go and we haven’t seen him since.”

Please stay with WWE.com for more on Ambrose’s condition and whereabouts.

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