Stephanie McMahon fires Big Show: photos

WWE Executive Vice President Stephanie McMahon kicks off Raw.
She says the WWE Title Match at WWE Battleground wasn't just compromised, it was ruined by Big Show.
"Last night was completely inexcusable," she says. "You knocked out WWE officials, you knocked out Daniel Bryan and you knocked out Randy Orton."
Big Show half-heartedly apologizes.
She tells him he has no soul.
McMahon says to The World's Largest Athlete that he can't even say he's sorry with conviction.
She tells him to man up, but he just asks if he can leave the ring.
"I knocked out Randy Orton because I just couldn't take it anymore!" he says. "And I knocked out Daniel Bryan because YOU told me to!"
McMahon repeatedly slaps Big Show across the face after he insults her husband, WWE COO Triple H.
"You're fired!" she yells at Big Show.