Triple H interrupts Mr. McMahon’s message for Brad Maddox: photos

The Chairman himself, Mr. McMahon, emerges and demands Raw General Manager Brad Maddox come out and answer for his actions.
Mr. McMahon states that Maddox, when refereeing Raw's opening match between Daniel Bryan and Wade Barrett, gave a very quick three-count against Bryan.
Maddox apologizes for his actions and suggests he get a second chance ... as the referee in the match between WWE Champion John Cena and Bryan at SummerSlam!
Mr. McMahon appears moved by Maddox's apology and prepares to instate him as the official for the summer classic ...
... but Triple H crashes the party!
The Game addresses his father-in-law and the Raw GM, offering his own solution to the situation.
Triple H hits Maddox with a searing Pedigree and declares himself the special guest referee in the SummerSlam headliner!