Is AJ Lee the worst GM of all time?
To answer the headline to this story, no. The worst General Manager in history is Mike Adamle by a long shot. In the aftermath of AJ Lee’s shocking resignation on Monday Night Raw, however, it’s worth wondering where the now-former authority figure would rank among the most ineffective and eccentric leaders in the history of Monday night’s hottest show, including the likes of Eric Bischoff, “Mr. Excitement” John Laurinaitis and that notorious aforementioned mangler of monikers.
The reign of a Raw General Manager averages to about 205 days, and although that time period isn’t lengthy by any means, AJ Lee bowed out at 92 days — less than half the average. Granted, AJ’s all-too-brief tenure as GM has been fraught with peril since taking on these new responsibilities in July, but how many of those problems were the result of AJ’s own unhinged decision-making process? From attacking Vickie Guerrero to forcing Kane and her fiancé Daniel Bryan to undergo anger management therapy to slapping Paul Heyman across the face, AJ has made business very personal on Raw, and the WWE Board of Directors has been keeping a very close eye on her for good reason.
It was AJ’s notorious inability to separate her business and personal lives that would ultimately spell the end of her reign as Raw GM. On Monday night, the feisty Diva — whom the WWE Board placed on probation in early October — announced that her self-ousting is due to allegations of fraternizing with a Superstar on the roster. ( WATCH | PHOTOS)
That Superstar was later revealed to be John Cena, who recently had a “business dinner” with the Raw GM. Both AJ and the Cenation leader denied that anything salacious transpired during or after that meal, but Mr. McMahon affirmed that there was “incriminating evidence” that left the WWE Board with no choice but to ask AJ for her resignation. This conspicuous turn of events put Guerrero in place to serve as Raw’s Managing Supervisor, a role that will no doubt work in her favor when a new General Manager is ultimately appointed.
Coincidences are rare in WWE, especially when The Queen Diva is involved, but what if there was more to that dinner than AJ and Cena are letting on? If AJ’s fraternization with Cena went beyond a mere business dinner — while she was on probation, no less — then the title of “Worst GM Ever” just might have a new No. 1 contender. ( POLL: WAS AJ LEE SET UP?)
Although it remains unclear exactly what transpired during that evening repast with the 12-time World Champion, the unorthodox Diva noted on Raw that she’s aware that she’s been on thin ice for quite some time. With AJ’s admission of her shortcomings, it’s difficult to blame her too harshly for not living up to the loftiest of expectations. She might not have made a major impact as Raw GM, but at least she never subjected the WWE Universe to so-called “People Power,” interrupted Raw broadcasts with incessant emails or waxed poetic about the likes of “MC Punk” or “Randy Norton.” Sorry, Mr. Adamle.
So what’s next for AJ? The unpredictable Diva explained on Raw that she’s gone “from being homeless to being the boss,” due in no small part to her lifelong tenacity. Now that AJ is no longer running Raw, her schedule has certainly opened up, and judging by her hair-pulling brawl with Raw’s new Managing Supervisor, her buttoned-up lifestyle has hardly hindered her fighting spirit. Perhaps the most exciting chapter of the AJ Lee saga is about to begin.
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