10 must-see Slammy Awards shockers

10 must-see Slammy Awards shockers

With the 2014 Slammy Awards set to take place on Monday at 8/7 CT on USA Network, there’s no better time than now to look back at sports-entertainment’s colorful night of recognition. Though the event is meant to honor the WWE’s best, things get out of hand more often than not, leading to some of the wackiest happenings in WWE history — like these 10 unforgettable moments.

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The Miz steals “Angry Miz Girl’s” Slammy in 2010

The Miz steals Angry Miz Girl's Slammy: 2010 WWE Slammy Awards

The Awesome One has a Slammy surprise for his most famous "hater."

Many fans head to Raw and SmackDown with big signs and outlandish costumes, hoping to get a few seconds of TV time. One fan, however, ended up forever associated with The Miz’s first WWE Title victory. When The Awesome One shocked the world by cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase and winning the WWE Championship from Randy Orton on Raw, WWE cameras caught a girl in the arena attempting to stare a hole through the new champion.

Watch the 10 best WWE fan reactions

Screen captures of the young WWE fan spread like wildfire over the internet. Just who was this girl and why did she hate The Miz so much? Fortunately, we didn’t have to wait long to find out. The “Angry Miz Girl,” whose real name is Cayley, won the “WWE Universe Fan Reaction of the Year” Slammy.

Her shining moment didn’t last long, however, as the The Miz and Alex Riley came out and patronized the little girl, pretending to admire her Slammy before The Awesome One took it right from the girl’s hands, cementing his place as one of WWE’s most despicable Superstars. — BOBBY MELOK 

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin wins Freedom of Speech Slammy in 1997

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin wins the Freedom of Speech Slammy Award: 1997 WWE Slammy Awards

While accepting his Slammy Award, the outspoken Texas Rattlesnake goes on a rant about his WrestleMania 13 opponent, Bret Hart.

The Texas Rattlesnake has never held back when it comes to speaking his mind. It was no different on the night before WrestleMania 13, when “Stone Cold” Steve Austin won the “Freedom of Speech” Slammy Award. Taking over the microphone from a crazed Bob Backlund, Austin opted not to go with the traditional acceptance speech and instead issued a warning to the Superstar he would face on The Grandest Stage of Them All — Bret “Hit Man” Hart.

On the night before their now legendary Submission Match, “Stone Cold” told his foe that he would be bringing “blood, sweat and tears” and that he expected no less from Hart.

Watch Austin interview Mr. McMahon on WWE Network |  The latest from “Stone Cold”

Austin’s grim speech put an end to the jovial mood of the Slammys ceremony, so WWE’s resident clown, Doink, took it upon himself to brighten the spirits of the audience. While The Bionic Redneck made his way back to his seat, Doink unloaded a can of silly string on the future WWE Champion. Austin, in no mood for joking, struck the goof while several Superstars tried to pull him off. — B.M.

The Boogeyman returns during the 2012 "Tell Me I Did NOT Just See That" Slammy Award Presentation

"Tell Me I Did NOT Just See That" Moment of The Year: 2012 Slammy Award Presentation

Even after a couple of distractions from The Boogeyman and Brad Maddox, Booker T still finds time to announce the winner for the "Tell Me I Did NOT Just See That" Moment of The Year.

The Slammy Awards is a night to honor the most unusual and jaw-dropping moments of the past year, but the evening itself took a bizarre turn in 2012 when The Boogeyman emerged from the recesses of The Bottomless Pit to terrorize his former nemesis, Booker T. Apparently not getting the memo that the Slammys are a formal affair, Boogey arrived with an alarm clock around his neck in lieu of a black tie. Shrouded in an eerie mist, the creepy crawler slithered across the stage in a macabre display before exiting as mysteriously as he arrived. No one saw it coming.

Watch Boogeyman scare WWE employees

Booker was flabbergasted by the return of his WrestleMania 22 opponent, and was visibly shaken before presenting the “Tell Me I Did NOT Just See That” Slammy Award to Kofi Kingston. Hey, at least Booker didn’t have to taste The Boogeyman’s favorite Slammy Awards snack: live, wriggling worms. — JAMES WORTMAN

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan and Harley Race brawl throughout the 1987 Slammy Awards

At the 1987 edition of the Slammys, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan was given the task of presenting the “Best Ring Attire” award. On this formal occasion, the die-hard patriot showed up in his finest tuxedo T-shirt and put a spiffy bowtie on his trademark 2x4. However, what happened on this December night was anything but classy.

King Harley Race, Duggan’s rival at the time, won the award. He and his manager, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, not satisfied with just the Slammy, tried to make Duggan bow before “The King.” Duggan refused, as his only loyalties are to the Stars and Stripes. This set off a brawl that lasted the rest of the night and went throughout Caesar’s Atlantic City.

The two future WWE Hall of Famers hit each other with everything but the kitchen sink, using stools, makeup and even a fish. The melee ended shortly after "Hacksaw" and the King burst through a video screen and tumbled onto the stage. Hillbilly Jim reunited Duggan with his board, which gave Race enough time to escape and Gorilla Monsoon the opportunity to restrain Hacksaw, saving the show from more destruction. — B.M.

Todd Pettengill performs at the 1996 Slammy Awards

10 must-see Slammy Awards shockers

Following the 1986 and ’87 editions of the Slammys, the awards show took a hiatus until 1996. To welcome the event back to the spotlight, WWE announcer Todd Pettengill let loose one of the most hysterical and memorable moments in Slammys history.

Catch up with Todd Pettengill

Enthusiastically jogging to the stage as the awards show began, the radio DJ did his best Weird Al impressions as he altered classic tunes to send up popular Superstars such as Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker and Sunny. The lyrics were utterly ridiculous and uncomfortably hilarious — especially that part about HBK’s “thong underwear.” — KEVIN POWERS

Mr. McMahon sings “Stand Back” at the 1987 Slammy Awards

10 must-see Slammy Awards shockers

The Chairman of WWE is quite the jack of all trades. He took WWE from a regional operation to the global force it is today. He’s stepped in between the ropes and captured the WWE Championship. But did you know he could croon and cut a rug with the best?

Mr. McMahon proved he could do just that at the 1987 Slammys, when he hit the stage to sing a warning to all who stood in his way: “Stand Back!” Shaking and shimmying with a bevy of dancing beauties, he was backed by the most unique band in music history. The soulful horn section was comprised of The Junk Yard Dog and The Killer Bees on saxophone, along with “Macho Man” Randy Savage, Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake and Jake “The Snake” Roberts blowing trumpets. George “The Animal” Steele provided percussion on the tambourine, while Hulk Hogan rounded out the band, slapping the bass in a sleeveless tuxedo.

The Chairman showed off his dulcet tones, as well as the deep growl that would later let Superstars know “You’re fired!” While several of Mr. McMahon’s foes would dig the video out of the WWE archives in an attempt to embarrass him, the boss shouldn’t be ashamed. You won’t see too many billionaires telling their competition to watch out in the form of a song, after all. — B.M.

Owen Hart steals the Slammy for Best Bow Tie in 1997

Owen Hart steals a Slammy Award: 1997 WWE Slammy Awards

The Black Hart storms the stage and ensnares the Best Bowtie Slammy Award.

Owen Hart loved to remind the locker room that he was a two-time Slammy Award winner. Never mind the questionable ways he took home both awards.

When Shawn Michaels won the 1996 Slammy for Most Embarrassing Moment, The Black Hart reasoned it was only fitting that he accept the prize, considering he caused HBK to collapse mid-match. But at least he played a major part in that award-winning moment. His follow-up in 1997 didn’t even make sense.

Hart’s name was noticeably absent from the 1997 nominations, so he took matters into his own hands at the ceremony. Hart rushed the stage and accepted the Slammy for Best Bow Tie — before Todd Pettengill could even announce the nominees — despite never wearing one on WWE TV. You can’t blame him for being excited at having two Slammys, so much so that he routinely carried them to ringside and made a new singlet featuring illustrations of both. But try telling that to Bob Backlund, who likely sported the best bow tie at the time. — JEFF LABOON

AJ Lee kisses Dolph Ziggler during the 2012 Kiss of the Year Slammy Award Presentation

Kiss of the Year: 2012 Slammy Award Presentation

AJ Lee shows why her 2012 Slammy Award for Kiss of the Year is very well-deserved.

One night after AJ Lee turned on John Cena in grandiose fashion at WWE TLC — by sending him crashing to the ground from atop a ladder, no less — the unruly Diva accepted a Slammy Award for her infamous pre-betrayal smooch with the Cenation leader and revealed to the WWE Universe that she was done caring what anyone thought of her. When the benefactor of AJ’s deceit, Dolph Ziggler, attempted to quell the resulting argument between AJ and Raw’s then-Managing Supervisor Vickie Guerrero, AJ shocked the WWE Universe for the second time in as many nights by planting a surprise kiss on The Showoff’s lips. The embrace took the air right out of the room, just as it seemed to suck the air right out of Ziggler’s lungs.

The legendary lip-lock was unforeseen to say the least, cementing AJ as one of the most wild and unpredictable Divas of all time. — J.W.

WWE Superstars join forces to sing “If You Only Knew” at the 1987 Slammys

10 must-see Slammy Awards shockers

Ever wonder what it would be like if all the WWE Superstars got together and sang about wanting to beat each other up? No? Well, it happened at the 1987 Slammys.

The heroes and villains of WWE took up opposite ends of the stage to belt out a tune about belting each other. On the evil side of the performance, Jimmy Hart ditched his normally airbrushed attire for a hot pink tuxedo and had his charges, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine and The Hart Foundation, don similar suits. It may have been the first and only time that WWE Hall of Famer Bret “Hit Man” Hart has worn something so garish outside of the ring. Slick, normally called “The Doctor of Style,” committed a major fashion faux pas in a sparkling gold tuxedo and matching top hat. And just what was Hercules thinking when he raided Julius Caesar’s closet for the ancient Roman getup he wore?

The good guys weren’t dressed much better. Jake “The Snake” Roberts threw a tuxedo jacket over his wrestling tights, while The Ultimate Warrior somehow found a bowtie and suspenders that matched his face paint and neon arm tassels. It’s a little sad that The British Bulldogs stick out from the pack for wearing normal tuxedos. Strange wardrobe choices aside, WWE is the only place you’ll see bitter rivals join forces in the name of music. — B.M.

Batista interrupts Maria’s acceptance speech at the 2009 Slammy Awards

Batista interrupts Maria during the Diva of the Year Slammy Award Presentation: 2009 WWE Slammy Awards

The Animal vents his frustrations about being left off the ballot for Superstar of the Year.

With tears in her eyes and a sparkle in her smile — in Taylor Swift fashion — Maria prepared to accept the Slammy for Diva of the Year. She couldn’t believe the WWE Universe chose her over the rest of the locker room, but before she could thank them for making her dreams come true, a man in a pink polo shirt had another idea.

Still lingering from what he called a “screwjob” defeat at WWE TLC 2009, Batista wanted to voice his frustration with being left off the ballot for Superstar of the Year. In the process, the brash Superstar ruined Maria’s special night, interrupting her mid–thank you and unleashing a rant — in Kanye West fashion — about how he should have won the World Heavyweight Championship the night before.

Catch up with Maria |  Watch WWE TLC 2009 on WWE Network

Her moment stolen, Maria sulked away, and Batista — who was sporting sunglasses indoors — told the WWE Universe, “It’s not about her; it’s not about you; it’s about me,” before a pair of policemen escorted him away from the mic. — J.L.

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