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Thursday, Jun 30 | 3/2 PMC

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Thursday, Jun 30 | 3/2 PMC

NXT UK Results : Quick Hits

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WWE NXT UK results: June 30, 2022

Blair Davenport def. Angel Hayze

Described by Nigel McGuinness as a “hellraiser,” the callous Blair Davenport picked up right where she left off prior to suffering a leg injury during a Street Fight in a match for Meiko Satomura’s NXT UK Women’s Championship several months ago.

Hayze, who recently teamed with Amale in a tag team match against Xia Brookside and Eliza Alexander, perhaps caught her foe by surprise, landing a series of kicks to claim an early upper hand.

Hayze’s fighting spirit only seemed to anger Davenport, who blistered Hayze with several menacing strikes, a picture-perfect suplex and a match-ending Falcon Arrow. After the bell, Davenport promised to “crush all of your hope.”

Fallon Henley def. Emilia McKenzie

After watching her close friends Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen capture the vacant NXT UK Tag Team Championship in last week’s thrilling Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Elimination Match, Fallon Henley turned in an equally inspired effort in her first NXT UK match against Emilia McKenzie.

McKenzie was perhaps feeling the pressure, as her mentor and NXT UK Women’s Champion Meiko Satomura proclaimed that this match would be a test for her protégé.

McKenzie seemed primed to pass with flying colors after pouncing like a lion when Henley seemingly injured her knee, chop-blocking her and dishing out several stomps to her newfound bullseye. The resilient Henley nevertheless stunned her opponent when McKenzie hoisted her into the air, wiggling free and folding up McKenzie for the three-count.  

Following the match, Henley helped McKenzie back to her feet and gave her a hug before the dejected McKenzie slumped back into the corner.

Wolfgang def. Sha Samuels

Though all three members of Gallus are all seemingly doing their own thing in recent weeks, life has been good to Wolfgang.

After making a new friend in Damon Kemp and teaming with him to defeat NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar and Sha Samuels two weeks ago, The Last King of Scotland kept the good times rolling by outslugging Samuels in a singles clash, despite almost constant interference from The Scottish Supernova.

Though he presumably suffered a mid-match arm injury, Wolfgang turned the tide by lifting his knees into his opponent’s midsection when Samuels leapt from the top rope. Moments later, Dar hopped onto the ring apron and charged Wolfgang, who booted Dar in the face to send him plummeting to the floor before wiping out Samuels with a thunderous Spear for the three-count.

Trent Seven mocked Tyler Bate and struck a fan

Greeted with deafening boos, Trent Seven basked in the negative reception as he entered the arena, making sure to do the signature Moustache Mountain roll into the squared circle as he prepared to address his disgusting assault of Tyler Bate.

Acknowledging the “Why, Trent, why?” chants, Seven said that his savage low blow of Tyler Bate is the moment that “Trent Seven saved the industry” and brought people back to the BT Sports Arena.

The Don insisted that he still had his killer instinct before explaining that Bate no longer has a willingness to do whatever it takes to win. He vowed that The Big Strong Boi wouldn’t come back to fight him, mockingly calling him “The Little Weak Boy.”

As Seven was booed out of the arena, he got into an intense trash-talking session with a fan at ringside. Though the fan was immediately restrained by security when he hopped the barricade, Seven nevertheless greeted him with a vicious kick below the belt before exiting.