WWE NXT UK results: March 24, 2022


Rohan Raja & Charlie Dempsey def. A-Kid & Saxon Huxley

As two-thirds of what is arguably the most bone-chilling faction in WWE, the menacing combination of Rohan Raja and Charlie Dempsey kicked off NXT UK with a slugfest against the unique tandem of A-Kid and Saxon Huxley.

A-Kid and Huxley seemed to be closing in on victory when The Spanish Sensation dropped both of his foes with a simultaneous hurricanrana and arm drag combination from the top rope.

As Huxley held Raja in place and Dempsey distracted the official, however, Teoman jumped onto the apron and knocked A-Kid from the top rope before flinging him into the ringside barricade.

Seconds later, Raja leveled Huxley with Seek and Destroy for the three-count.

Jordan Devlin def. Danny Jones

Two months ago, Jordan Devlin came up just short during his bid to take the NXT UK Championship from Ilja Dragunov, but he’s clearly not dwelling on the defeat and doing everything he can to reenter the title picture.

Case in point, The Irish Ace was on top of his game against Danny Jones, claiming an early upper hand and staggering his opponent with several vicious forearm strikes and kicks.

Jones fired back with a wicked enzuigiri and a suplex that earned a two-count, but Devlin countered the onslaught with a cutter and drove Jones into the canvas with a nasty suplex to earn his fourth win in his last five matches.

Wild Boar def. T-Bone

Wild Boar continued his retribution tour in a hard-hitting collision with T-Bone, the man who effectively took his place in Symbiosis.

Perhaps feeling the need to get the jump on the trio, Boar stormed out of the crowd and punched anything that moved before the opening bell.

Boar, who must defeat T-Bone and Primate in separate singles bouts to get his match against Eddie Dennis, dropped his foe with a pair of suplexes, speared him into the turnbuckles and landed an innovative DDT to seal the victory.

NXT UK Women’s Champion Meiko Satomura def. Isla Dawn

Meiko Satomura has enjoyed an impressive reign ever since winning the NXT UK Women’s Championship from Kay Lee Ray, turning back challengers such as Blair Davenport, Xia Brookside and Jinny, but even the titleholder would tell you that she’s never faced a challenger quite like Isla Dawn.

After “The Unholy Enchantress” disrespected Satomura with a pie-face at the start of the match, The Final Boss unloaded with several vicious strikes and backed her opponent into the corner.

The cackling Dawn came within an eyelash of winning the title when she leveled Satomura with a picture-perfect bridging fisherman suplex and a boot to the face, but the crafty titleholder fired back with a unique hammerlock rollup to keep the challenger down for the three-count.

After the bell, Dawn nevertheless made good on her pre-match promise to leave with the NXT UK Women’s Championship, grabbing the title from the official, gazing upon her newfound trophy and laughing maniacally while exiting through the NXT UK Universe.

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