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Friday, Jun 21 | 10/9 PMC

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Friday, Jun 21 | 10/9 PMC

NXT Level Up Results : Quick Hits

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NXT Level Up results: June 21, 2024

Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe def. Cutler James & Dion Lennox

Confidence growing by the week, Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe electrified the NXT Arena as they bounded to the ring for a hard-hitting collision with Cutler James and Dion Lennox, former football and amateur wrestling standouts who were teaming together for the first time.

Dupont and Igwe used their incredible strength to overpower their opponents, but James turned the tables by sending an airborne Dupont crashing into Igwe, allowing his team to take control for some time.

Immediately after receiving a diving tag from a worn-down Igwe, Dupont steamrolled James and Lennox with a plethora of strikes and suplexes before Igwe tagged back in and teamed up with Dupont to hit a decisive Heartstopper on James.

Shiloh Hill def. Uriah Connors

After Shiloh Hill came up short while tagging with Jasper Troy against Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino in his WWE debut, the towering newcomer got his first crack at singles competition when he clashed against the arrogant Uriah Connors.

Having already shown a knack for getting under the skin of his fellow Superstars, Connors pestered his larger opponent with some chain grappling and smack talk, though Hill quickly flipped the script with an atomic drop and a thunderous scoop slam.

Connors even yanked his opponent neck-first into the rope as Hill was expecting a rope break, but Hill eventually got back on track by catching Connors in mid-air as he was attempting a dive through the ropes. Seconds later, Hill slammed Connors back-first onto the apron and landed a modified fireman’s carry slam in the ring for the three-count.

Karmen Petrovic def. Wren Sinclair

Considering that her opponent possesses a third-degree black belt and was swinging a sword on her way to the ring, high-five enthusiast Wren Sinclair showed no intimidation as she skipped her way to the ring for one of the biggest tests of her career against Karmen Petrovic.

Sinclair caught fire after seemingly inadvertently sending Petrovic throat-first into the bottom rope, landing several strikes in the corner and hitting a picture-perfect suplex for a two-count.

Petrovic struck back by fighting free from a full nelson, landing several nasty kicks and sealing the victory with a spinning kick to the lower lumbar region.