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Friday, Aug 11 | 10/9 PMC

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Friday, Aug 11 | 10/9 PMC

NXT Level Up Results : Quick Hits

NXT Level Up Results : Full Details


NXT Level Up results: Aug. 11, 2023

Damon Kemp def. Dante Chen

One of the more arrogant competitors in NXT Level Up, Damon Kemp immediately disrespected Dante Chen with a dismissive pat on the cheek when he got the better of an early exchange, though Chen made sure to return the favor just a moment later.

Kemp, a former collegiate wrestling star who entered with two singles wins in as many matches against Chen, had The Gatekeeper of NXT in dire straits when he folded him up with a debilitating backbreaker before raining down elbow drops to the chest and connecting with a scoop slam for a two-count.

Chen fought through the pain to level his foe with several lightning-quick strikes to the midsection, but Kemp sidestepped Chen’s pump kick and connected with a uranage into a neckbreaker for the three-count.

Fallon Henley def. Izzi Dame

Competing in just her second career match, Izzi Dame was essentially playing with house money when she attempted to score a big win against former NXT Women’s Tag Team Champion Fallon Henley.

Going to battle with a chip on her shoulder, the former professional volleyball player in Europe tattooed Henley with rapid-fire stomps in the corner that resulted in a two-count.

Henley, however, leaned on her experience advantage, countering Dame’s onslaught and landing a decisive Shining Wizard.

Joe Coffey def. Tavion Heights

In an intriguing clash of styles, the hard-hitting Joe Coffey brought the fisticuffs to his match with former Olympian Tavion Heights, who looked to lean on his incredible mat-grappling ability.

Heights called the shots in the early goings, ignoring Coffey’s bellowing cry of “Gallus boys on top” to send him flying with several armdrags.

Coffey shook off a nasty pair of suplexes and went back to his bread and butter, blasting Heights with some savage fists to the face and sealing the win with All the Best for the Bells.