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‘WWE Legends’ House’ Season 1, Episode 3 recap: Striking Out

‘WWE Legends’ House’ Season 1, Episode 3 recap: Striking Out

Competition and conflict reached new heights on the latest episode of “WWE Legends' House.”

Episode 3's Fink Factor

First, Ashley sent the Legends bowling against local female rollers, “The Desert Queens.” While the natural competitive spirit of the boys allowed them to stay in the game, the Queens ultimately walked away with the victory — scoring 876 points to the guys’ 736. But, not to worry: The winners presented the losers with a tiny consolation trophy.

Later, the fireworks really started to fly when the Legends were divided into two teams and given the task of making 30-second commercials to promote local businesses, with team members writing, directing, acting, shooting and assisting in the editing of the project. Team Captain “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and his chosen partners-in-crime, Howard Finkel, “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan and Tony Atlas, were tasked with promoting pink flamingos and rubber duckies, while Captain “Mean” Gene Okerlund and comrades Pat Patterson, “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart and Hillbilly Jim promoted a car wash.

Photos of the bowling showdown | Exclusive video highlights

In the thick of it all, friction ensued between “The Mouth of the South” and both “Mean” Gene and Patterson, while Tony Atlas rubbed the rest of his team the wrong way and eventually sat out the editing process in a huff. In the end, guest judges Rhett McLaughlin and “Link” Neal, from “Rhett & Link: Commercial Kings,” determined which of the finished products was superior. On the basis of memorability, that choice belonged to “Hot Rod” and Co.

All eight Legends then set out on a trip to Las Vegas, with the winning team traveling by stretch limo, while the losers had to rough it on a 15-seat tour bus. However, en route to Vegas, the limo was pulled over by the police. What happened next? Find out next week on "WWE Legends’ House."

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