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The Fink Factor: April 24, 2014

The Fink Factor: April 24, 2014

With “The Fink Factor,” I will strive to expound on a few items from each week’s episode of “WWE Legends’ House,” and also drop a couple of choice tidbits here and there from my overall experience. Without further ado …

  • You might be getting the impression after the second episode of “WWE Legends’ House” that a little bit of Tony Atlas went a long way. That indeed was the case. I have always had an excellent friendship with him, but at the house he could be headstrong and adamant in his thoughts. Even the horse in the stall at the polo club wanted nothing to with Atlas’ “Dr. Dolittle”-ing ways!

  • Hillbilly Jim getting unrequested maid service was a hoot! By the way, for those keeping score, with regularity, Jimmy Hart and I continued to be the first ones awake in the house each day, followed by Atlas and Pat Patterson. From there, it varied among the other four housemates.

  • When we partook in the Zumba class, we did a one-hour session, with a minor break inserted midway. Proud to say that I finished the session! As I explained on the show, while in the house I set my sights on improving my overall physical condition. Did I succeed? Stay tuned.

  • For being only acquaintances before entering the house, the chemistry that has developed between roomies Roddy Piper and Jim Duggan is turning into something very special.

  • Doing things “on the fly” was commonplace in the house, as evidenced by Atlas, Hillbilly, Jimmy Hart and I getting dinner prepared in a flash. It made some hungry men satisfied. And I’d be remiss in not telling you that we did have the cabbage rolls — the holdout meal from the first episode — and were they ever good! Kudos to Mr. Patterson!

Be back next week…

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