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Fighting for the edge

Fighting for the edge

DES MOINES, Iowa -- If CM Punk thought his rivalry with Elijah Burke ended with his pinfall victory over the silver-tongued pugilist at Judgment Day, he was wrong. Burke showed Punk he wasn't done with him just yet in a tag team war pitting him and fellow New Breeder Marcus Cor Von against the Straightedge Superstar & ECW Original Rob Van Dam.

Tonight's showdown was a convergence of old scores that needed to be settled. Both Burke and RVD had recruited the Straightedge Superstar for their respective groups. For weeks, Burke personally recruited Punk for membership in the cocky, upstart New Breed. Punk eventually joined the New Breed, only to leave two weeks later after purposely knocking out Burke and costing his team a pivotal match against the ECW Originals. Punk later revealed that he purposely infiltrated the New Breed to tear it apart and teach Burke a lesson.

The New Breed leader vowed to take out Punk at Judgment Day, but fell short in their hard-fought battle. Tonight, with The Alpha Male in tow, Burke got some revenge when he and Cor Von punished Punk and RVD mercilessly on ECW on Sci Fi. The New Breed teammates were disqualified after repeatedly not heeding the referee's warnings.

But that didn't matter to Burke & Cor Von. They punished Van Dam's knee and Punk's injured ribs throughout the match. The Alpha Male put the finishing touches on RVD and Punk with consecutive Pounces.

Only one thing is certain in the Punk-Burke war: It may be far from over.

To get the full results from ECW on Sci Fi, click HERE.

Check out CM Punk's Straight Edge T-shirt...

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