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The next big thing?

The next big thing?

PITTSBURGH -- The Natural Disasters, Earthquake & Typhoon. The Twin Towers, The Big Boss Man & Akeem. The Undertaker & Big Show. Sports-entertainment has seen its share of colossal combinations; pairings of powerful forces that should never be permitted to be on the same side of the squared circle -- not just to keep the ring from tipping, but to also maintain order in WWE.

But of all the Titanic-sized team-ups in history, perhaps the most alarmingly dangerous duo exists in the alliance between Big Daddy V and Mark Henry.

Individually, ECW's 500-pound behemoth and SmackDown's self-proclaimed "King of the Jungle" have taken on WWE's greatest Superstars and physically dominated names like The Undertaker, Batista, Kane and CM Punk. Together, these men stand as a massive, groundshaking threat to the world.

It was mere weeks ago on ECW on Sci Fi when a new large menace reared its dreadlocked head in the Land of the Extreme, as the World's Strongest Man stood side-by-girthy side with the Extreme Mastodon. That night, Henry made a startling and bone-wrecking appearance at the conclusion of Big Daddy V's tussle with Kane, in the favor of the 500-pound ECW Superstar. (WATCH)

Though a towering, hellfire-fueled demon himself, even the Big Red Monster could not endure the unrestrained wrath of dual beasts. Though that, in itself, is a testament to the utter dominance of this half-ton of terror, V and Henry all but crushed ECW Champion CM Punk just one week later. (Read more)

Though it is still uncertain as to how long their union will last, given the destruction wrought by V and Henry's massive hands, there cannot be a single Superstar in WWE who isn't concerned by the coalition of these lethal juggernauts.

Should The Dominating Force in WWE and the World's Strongest Man decide to forge a full-time allegiance, they (along with the cunning Matt Striker) could very well be the biggest, most powerful entity in sports-entertainment. If the combination of the Straightedge Champion and SmackDown's Kane cannot conquer these monsters, the future of WWE beholds a barren wasteland -- Armageddon could truly be the end of days.

Can Big Daddy V and Mark Henry be stopped? Is it possible? Or has their reign of terror just begun? Are these giants the next big thing to unleash hell in WWE?

Find out tonight at 8/7 CT as Armageddon comes to you live from the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh, only on pay-per-view.

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