WWE enters “The Newsroom”

WWE enters “The Newsroom”
The Rock may be “The Most Electrifying Man in Entertainment,” but according to last night’s episode of HBO’s “The Newsroom,” the seven-time WWE Champion is also on the leading edge of breaking news.

Titled "5/1," Sunday’s episode of the acclaimed drama series situated inside a TV newsroom followed the journalists on May 1, 2011—the night the world learned of the death of Osama bin Laden. The characters on the show learn of the news via a tweet from The Rock that night.

In real life, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson alluded to bin Laden’s death in a tweet on May 1, 2011, at 10:24 p.m. ET – more than an hour before President Obama formally announced the development in a speech before a national audience.

“Just got word that will shock the world–LAND OF THE FREE…home of the brave. DAMN PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN,” The Rock tweeted.

Much of the WWE Universe got wind of bin Laden’s death another way that evening: by John Cena’s public announcement immediately following the Extreme Rules 2011 pay-per-view. ( FULL STORY)

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