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Election 2010 Information/Register to Vote

Election 2010 Information/Register to Vote

Smackdown Your Vote!
WWE's Smackdown Your Vote! is a non-partisan partnership to encourage more 18-to-30 year-olds to vote. Among the organizations participating are the League of Women Voters, the National Association of Secretaries of State, the Harvard Institute of Politics, Sacred Heart University, the University of Virginia's Youth Leadership Initiative and Rock the Vote. Smackdown Your Vote! has engaged in various activities and provided resources to reach young adults throughout the United States to encourage them to become more active in the democratic process. Smackdown Your Vote! and its partners played a role in the historic 11 percentage point increase in youth voter participation between 2000 and 2008.

Below are links to organizations that can help you become registered as a voter, and to help you vote, either at a polling place on Election Day or by absentee ballot. 

Important links:

Links to voter information by state: 

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