be a STAR rally at Markham Middle School: photos
WWE Superstars, Divas, WWE Executive Vice President of Creative Stephanie McMahon, rocker James Durbin of “American Idol” fame and others brought the be a STAR Alliance’s anti-bullying message to Markham Middle School in Los Angeles before SummerSlam!

WWE Superstars Mark Henry and Alberto Del Rio took part in a be a STAR rally along with Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa at Markham Middle School before SummerSlam.
Mark Henry explains to students at Markham Middle School how even The World's Strongest Man can be bullied.
"American Idol" star James Durbin rocks out with the students at the be a STAR rally.
Students say "No!" to bullying at WWE and The Creative Coalition's be a STAR rally.
Pop culture personality Micah Jesse joins in the festivities.
Jesse and Durbin share a moment at the be a STAR rally.
Mark Henry and Alberto Del Rio are happy to be part of the be a STAR rally with Mayor Villaraigosa and Congresswoman Linda Sanchez.