WWE and Milk launch Protein Fight Club in Brooklyn: photos
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon joined MilkPEP at the world-famous Gleason's Gym in Brooklyn, N.Y., to announce a partnership centered on the brand-new Protein Fight Club campaign.

WWE and MilkPEP launched the brand-new Protein Fight Club campaign at the world-famous Gleason's Gym in Brooklyn, N.Y.
The campaign's official hashtag is #MilkWins.
MilkPEP's vice president of marketing, Julia Kadison, started off the presentation.
MilkPEP is the organization behind the wildly influential "got milk?" series.
Dave Grotto, a registered "Guy-a-titian," joined the presentation to discuss the benefits of drinking milk as a source of protein.
Grotto introduced Triple H, who understands the importance of the protein that milk can provide.
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