Mexico is cool

The mayhem in Mexico continues as the WWE Superstars packed a sold-out venue in Mexico City last night and are in Guadalajara today. Every where the Superstars go, Mexican WWE fans are never far behind to show their love and support.

RAW Superstar Carlito is especially enjoying his time south of the border. As a Latino, Carlito told that being in Mexico and experiencing the country's unique flavors, sights and sounds is especially moving to him. It's Carlito's first trip to Mexico, and he spent the day touring Guadalajara and embracing the local culture. He stopped to play the Marimba Tropical instrument with a local musician. He ate fresh tacos, a flan dessert and bought a delicious candy apple (how cool) from a vendor at the city's central marketplace. Carlito also enjoyed a rusa, which is a tropical drink served in a stone cup. It's made with lemon lime soda, served with fresh lime juice and chili powder and is poured over ice.

Carlito wrestled in Mexico for the first time last night, and the sold out crowd gave him a warm welcome, and Carlito felt honored.

"There aren't that many Latino wrestlers in WWE, so the fans were very welcoming and I think they can relate more to me being Latino. It's just been incredible," Carlito told

SmackDown Superstars Chavo Guerrero and Rey Mysterio were welcomed by the rowdy, raucous crowd in Mexico City last night, too. The loud sold-out arena was very eager to see their match.

"The reception from the Mexican fans has been tremendous!" WWE Superstar Chavo Guerrero said. "Everywhere we go there are camera crews, fans waiting for us at the airport, waiting for us in the lobbies of the hotels, waiting for us by the bus -- it's like they're stalking us!" he laughed.

"Last night was one of the greatest crowds I've ever performed in front of. It was awesome. It was so good. It was sold out to 20,000 WWE fans and it was off the hook! It was really good," Guerrero said. "The crowd in Mexico is very educated as far as wrestling goes and it's a different type of wrestling in Mexico. They watch WWE in Mexico. WWE is so strong; they know exactly what we're doing. They are just so enthusiastic and they are so into it. In the States the WWE fans get spoiled because they get to see us all the time, and here they don't. So they're so appreciative from start to finish. There wasn't an empty seat and there wasn't a person who wasn't clapping the whole time."

When spoke to Guerrero, he had just arrived in Guadalajara, and was stopping to get a quick bite to eat before preparing for another match tonight against Mysterio.

"I'm looking forward to a good match tonight in Guadalajara. I'm facing Rey Mysterio again. I've said it before and I'm going to do it again tonight, here on my home turf and his home turf. Hopefully we can tear the house down," Chavo said.

Stay tuned to for more stories and photos about the WWE Superstars' trip south of the border.


Purchase tickets for WWE in Mexico

Photos of Carlito in Mexico

The Superstars' arrival in Mexico

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